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Now Available
on Blu-Ray & DVD
Reading & Northern 2102
Test Runs & Freight Trains
Just days before passing away, Belt Line Productions' TJ Weber finished production on his sixth video release -- featuring the Reading & Northern's 2102!
After being out of service for over 30 years, Reading & Northern T-1 #2102 returned to service in 2022. This volume covers the engine's inital days of test running out of Port Clinton to North Reading & Jim Thorpe on April 6th and 8th, and the 50 car hopper test train from North Reading to Jim Thorpe and return on April 26th.
In addition, you'll see the May 30th run where the Northern pulled 99 empty hoppers and then 50 loads, then finally a shorter Tamaqua to North Reading freight run that includes switching action in North Reading.
Will there be a Volume 2? TJ shot extensive footage of the 2102's Fall Passenger Excursions, and we hope to make a second volume available in the future -- so stay tuned!